Ciaran Fairman
Host of REACH - Research in Exercise And Cancer Health
Ciaran is a postdoctoral research fellow at Edith Cowan Univeristy, researching how exercise can improve the lives of individuals with cancer who are going through or recovering from cancer treatment.
Ciaran Fairman has hosted 64 Episodes.
Episode 72: S02: Ep9 | Dr. Evelyn Parr. Nutrition, Exercise and body composition
October 27th, 2020 | 55 mins 43 secs
Dr. Parr is a postdoctoral research fellow with the Exercise and Nutrition Research Program at The Mary MacKillop Institute for Health Research. We chat about her research into exercise, intermittent fasting, protein metabolism and body composition.
Episode 71: S02: Ep8 | David Hooper. Exercise and Hypogonadism, the link between elite athletes and cancer.
October 13th, 2020 | 52 mins 16 secs
Dave is an Assistant Professor at Jacksonville University, specialising in exercise endocrinology. We chat about the hypogonadal condition in male athletes and how this relates to those with cancer.
Episode 70: S02: Ep7 | Zionna Hanson. Building a non-profit for breast cancer support
September 29th, 2020 | 55 mins 36 secs
Z is the brains behind Barbells for Boobs, a company aimed at providing support for women with breast cancer. I chat to her about the highs and lows of growing her company.
Episode 69: S02: Ep6 | Dr. Karen Wonders . Building an Exercise Oncology Business
June 21st, 2020 | 52 mins 54 secs
I speak to Dr. Karen Wonders about her company, Maple Tree Cancer Alliance. With 19 locations and growing, Karen speaks about the highs and lows of building a business.
Episode 68: S02: Ep5 | Dr. Emer Guinan. Exercise in oesophagogastric cancer & building multi-disciplinary teams
May 25th, 2020 | 56 mins 57 secs
Episode 67: S02: Ep4 | Dr. Liz Muenks. Psychology in Cancer and Minority
May 11th, 2020 | 1 hr 16 mins
cancer, cultural competence, exercise, racial disparity
Dr. Elizabeth Muenks is a clinical psychologist in Kansas Cancer Center. In this episode, we cover a broad area of topics including the psychology of cancer in those diagnosed and their caregivers, how psychology fits in cancer care, and minority issues and multicultural competency.
Episode 66: S02: Ep3 | Dr. Kristen Ness. Exercise and Rehabilitation in Childhood Cancer.
April 26th, 2020 | 48 mins 15 secs
Episode 65: S02: Ep2 | Dr. Jesper Christensen: The strength of evidence in Exercise Oncology
April 13th, 2020 | 54 mins 38 secs
Jesper is a researcher in Exercise Oncology at Copenhagen University Hospital in Denmark. In this Episode, we chat about the strength of evidence in exercise oncology and the importance of designing strong research projects. Keep up with...
Episode 64: S02: Ep1 | Dr. Jesper Christensen: Pre-habilitation in Cancer.
March 30th, 2020 | 52 mins 21 secs
Jesper is a researcher in Exercise Oncology at Copenhagen University Hospital in Denmark. In this Episode, we chat about prehabilitation in cancer and Jespers trial looking at rehabilitation in individuals undergoing resection for gastro-esophageal...
Episode 63: Ep 61 | Dr. Camille Short: Behaviour change: Theory, applications and technology
September 3rd, 2019 | 1 hr 48 secs
Dr Camille Short is a behavioural scientist based at the University of Melbourne where she holds a joint appointment between the Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences and Melbourne School of Health Sciences. Her research focuses on...
Episode 62: Ep 60 | Dr. Carla Prado: Low muscle mass in cancer, classification and implications
July 23rd, 2019 | 55 mins 58 secs
Dr. Carla Prado, PhD, RD is an Associate Professor at the University of Alberta, a Campus Alberta Innovates (CAIP) Chair in Nutrition, Food and Health, and a Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) New Investigator. She is the Director of the...
Episode 61: Ep 59 | Dr. Rob Newton: Past, present and future of exercise oncology
July 4th, 2019 | 53 mins
Professor Robert Newton, is and Associate Dean at Medical and Exercise Sciences and Research Professor, Exercise Medicine Research Institute at Edith Cowan University Perth, Western Australia. We chat about the history of exercise...